Saturday, June 24, 2017

That last crawl to the finish line

June can be the nicest month but it can also be one of the most exhausting, especially if you are a mom to school age kids.  This past month we have wrapped up dance, piano exams, soccer and school.  I found preparing the kids for their Royal Conservatory Piano exams likely the most exhausting.  I was wondering if Fynn was going to make it, as was his teacher.  He surprised me to be honest and came out with a 73, and Sophie a 70.  I'm very proud of both of them.  Fynn also had a number of small projects that seemed to be due at school in the same week:  a speech, a comic book assignment, and another assignment that escapes me right now.  I feel like I really had to push him along so he understood how to make things a bit better than just dialling
it in.

The other big wrap up this month was an Advanced HR Certificate program I had been taking for the past 9 months or so through UCLA.  It was a good program but I'm certainly glad to have that bit of extra time back again.

We are in the final preparations of our trip to France.  I find it hard to believe the date is almost here.  I'm excited about the flight, seeing Paris for the first time, and the beautiful river cruise. Can't wait.

1 comment:

Mary Jo said...

I feel that way about May as we wrap things up for summer here!
And cannot wait to see photos of your travels!